Monday, May 5, 2014

Oh the days when I had time to write.......

Hello from Springville!  I love telling mama all of the reasons that it HAS to be spring now..... like grass and sunshine and no more skiing and mud and the baby is almost here!  But before I get too far into spring, it looks like I need to recap my winter!

Between skiing, ice skating, family and friends, I have learned a lot about loves this past winter!  I learned that I LOVE holidays.... Halloween was pretty cool because of the candy, but I think Christmas was my favorite.  For Halloween I dressed up as Sophia the First.  I don't really know who she is, but I know she is a princess and that is all that matters.

Darn it, I forgot about Thanksgiving.... that's a good one too!  I got to see Uncle Charly, Auntie Kinsey, and Papa and Di Di!  AND go swimming everyday (which is a pretty cool bonus)

I even got all the ladies to come under the table and play a little hide and seek with me after dinner!

Papa even let me drive his car!  Are you jealous uncle Charlie? Just kiddin...only in the driveway.

Christmas came really fast after we got home.  Grammy came out for Christmas and we made cookies together.  

I got to see my cousins Josie and Lilah too..... sledding with them was SO much fun.  Even if it did give our Mama's a heart attack.  I'm not sure why, I told them after we came up, "we weren't going to hit the fence"

We just kept on going after Christmas and went right out to California.  We got to go to Sea World and the Zoo..... and see the beach.  It wasn't the same as our usual trip to Florida every year, but it was pretty fun.  Mama and Daddy said that we can't go to Florida this year because our new baby is coming.  I got to meet Shamu and ride on my first ever rides!  I had SO much fun!

If you couldn't tell in that last pic.... I am a polar bear!

After we got back from our trip, we have been mostly layin low.  Ice skating, skiing with my Minnesota friend Sadie.  I think her Mama and my Mama went to the Olympics together, but I'm not really sure what they are talking about, so.....

This spring we have just been waiting for the snow to melt and havin a ton of fun!

Nana and Popi and I snow painting!

I think my favorite thing that I did this spring was go on my first date.  Hey, hey, hey, with my Daddy!  We went for sushi and ice cream.  It was the best night EVER!

Most recently it was Easter.  I learned so much about this Holiday and I love to point out crosses to Mama and Daddy whenever we are driving and I see one.  

Whew!  Are you caught up or are you sleeping?  Sorry this was so long... but Mama said I needed to catch up to today...... so here we are!

Love to you all,
Charly Addison

Friday, February 14, 2014

Visiting Maximus.... again!

Mama and I got to take one last trip up to Idaho this past fall.  Just she and I.  It was super fun!  I couldn't get out to the pasture fast enough once we had arrived!

I found Remi first (that's Papa's horse).  I think he missed me too!

I brought him back to the barn and got him all hitched up and gave him a good brushing.  The whole time, there was a part of me just wanting to see Maximus though....  But he was WAY on the other side of the pasture, so Di Di said she would go get him while I took care of Remi.

And knight arrived!

I spent the next 2 days, riding, cleaning and feeding all of the horses at the ranch and I never wanted to leave!

At the very end of our short, but spectacular trip, I got to go to the rodeo!  

Hopefully Mama finds her camera cord soon, so I can get you guys a little more up to speed (since these pics are from last Oct!)

Much love,
Charly Addison

Monday, November 4, 2013

Where have you been?

I guess I will stop telling you all that I will write more blogs and be back sooner, cause truth be told, I am just getting so busy that I forget!  SO here goes..... a little heads up, there are LOTS of pictures!

I have to go all the way back to my birthday.  It was such a fun day, I got my strawberry cake and ice cream that I asked for (well, mama just made the vanilla cake pink... I pretended I didn't notice),  my family sang to me and so I of course sang back for them too!

Max and I also had a birthday party...... I helped daddy mow the lawn to get ready

It was super fun with all our friends!

After our birthday we took a little trip to Minnesota to see our cousins and spend some time with Nana and Poppie at the lake.

I am really coming into my own these days.  I am me and I love having matter what I look like.

I am starting to make friends too and I just love when they come to visit us at our house for dinner!

And Maxwell and I really are starting to have fun together.  I mean, I still push him around a bit, every once in a while, but I still love him.  And it sure is fun having a play buddy!

This is us waiting out on the deck for daddy to come home from work.

I have more pictures from this fall, but I will save them for my next post........ whenever that may be!  Hope you had a great summer and are enjoying your fall!

Much love,
Charly Addison